Written: 24/3/2014
PATS Winner coming to Glenkrag
As you may be aware PATS show at Sandown was last week and is in their own words The UK's Number One Pet Trade Event.

Amongst the winners at the show was ACANA Wild Prairie Cat Food which took best Cat Product.

"Judges' comments: This product stood out because it uses natural ingredients, and is grain free with a high percentage of meat content. The packaging and labeling is very clear with great use of words and images. There is a quality feel about the product, which is good value for money in the higher price bracket.

Highly Commended"

Glenkrag are proud to announce a new Partnership for Ireland which will bring the product to our shores from Mid April.

This is a superb food covering two brands, Orijen & Acana for Dogs and Cats with high meat content which is what the buzz currently is for Super Premium foods.