Got a Problem?
If you have then we have good news, we have now made it even easier to report an order discrepancy.
We`ve added a new section to make it easier for our customers to report discrepancies online. The new section can be found on the menu under "discrepancies" where you can find a form to report discrepancies and a history of any of the discrepancies you have already reported. When the form is submitted we will get a notification and you`re discrepancy will be passed into our discrepancy flow where it will be split up as required and passed to the relevant departments to seek a resolution in the same way phoning it in or reporting it to a rep would be.
Please give as much detail as possible to help us resolve any issues as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Please note, all discrepancies submitted are subject to the timelines and terms set out in our terms of trade.
Warning: Use of undefined constant Y - assumed 'Y' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /homepages/28/d429691559/htdocs/glenkrag/2017/includes/inc_footerdesktab.php on line 10
Got a Problem?
If you have then we have good news, we have now made it even easier to report an order discrepancy.
We`ve added a new section to make it easier for our customers to report discrepancies online. The new section can be found on the menu under "discrepancies" where you can find a form to report discrepancies and a history of any of the discrepancies you have already reported. When the form is submitted we will get a notification and you`re discrepancy will be passed into our discrepancy flow where it will be split up as required and passed to the relevant departments to seek a resolution in the same way phoning it in or reporting it to a rep would be.
Please give as much detail as possible to help us resolve any issues as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Please note, all discrepancies submitted are subject to the timelines and terms set out in our terms of trade.
Warning: Use of undefined constant Y - assumed 'Y' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /homepages/28/d429691559/htdocs/glenkrag/2017/includes/inc_footerdesktab.php on line 10
Got a Problem?
If you have then we have good news, we have now made it even easier to report an order discrepancy.
We`ve added a new section to make it easier for our customers to report discrepancies online. The new section can be found on the menu under "discrepancies" where you can find a form to report discrepancies and a history of any of the discrepancies you have already reported. When the form is submitted we will get a notification and you`re discrepancy will be passed into our discrepancy flow where it will be split up as required and passed to the relevant departments to seek a resolution in the same way phoning it in or reporting it to a rep would be.
Please give as much detail as possible to help us resolve any issues as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Please note, all discrepancies submitted are subject to the timelines and terms set out in our terms of trade.